General Orientation

Curious about KDRT, DCTV or even DJUSD C
hannel 17, and want to learn how Davis Media Acce
ss can help you?

Plan to attend one of ourGeneral Orientations!

Any potential volun
teers please come to one of these, held monthly.&
nbsp; They last about an hour and include the his
tory of Davis Media Access, a tour of the facilit
ies, and information on how to get involved.&nbsp

Anybody is welcome to attend an Orienta
tion, but to use the facility for your own produc
tions you have to live, go to school, or volunte
er at an organization in Davis, California.&nbsp
;   Davis Media Access does not chargefor the use of our equipment and facilities and a
ttending a General Orientation is the first step f
or getting involved.