
Of media tools & instruction manuals

Of media tools & instruction manuals

By Autumn Labbé-Renault

Special to The Enterprise

This column originally appeared in The Davis Enterprise Feb. 26, 2009

I saw “The Lightning Thief” this past weekend, which may explain my analogy of contemporary media to a Hydra, that multi-headed Greek mythological beast that, if decapitated, grows a few more heads to replace what was severed.

Free Speech Compromised

By Autumn Labbé-Renault

This article was originally published in The Davis Enterprise Jan. 31, 2010.

In conversation with community media colleagues from a seven-state region last week, a  hot topic was the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling Jan. 21 in Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission ( Free speech advocates all, we took issue with the decision that equates corporate-financed campaign speech as protected, and wipes out over 100 years of laws designed to curb corporate influence on state and national elections.