Google Fiber for Communities is Google's upcoming experimental introduction of ultra high speed internet. They plan on offering connection speeds of 1 Gigabit per second to a handful of communities around the country. That's over 100 times faster than our current "high speed" options in Davis! If you're interested in helping to make Davis be one of these lucky communities, then you're in the right place. Community leaders are already working on their half of the nomination process and now it's time for us community members to do our part. We need to act quickly though because the March 26th deadline is fast approaching! Please direct your friends to the nomination page (see below) and help them to nominate Davis. Attebd DMA's worhsops March 11 & March 18 for help in creating a creative, visually appealing nomination.
Nominate Davis: The most important thing that you can do is to let Google know how many people in Davis are interested in this by going to their site and
Nominating Davis! They support creative submissions, so if you're the creative type then making a video, song, or image and linking to it in your nomination would get it noticed. Also, feel free to link to it on this page to share with everyone else.
Join the
facebook group to help spread the word and show your interest.
Tell your friends. The more people that hear about this and submit nominations, the better!
Either edit this page or add comments if you have any good ideas to add; this is a community effort!
For instructions on how to nominate Davis, go to Google Fiber for Communities/Instructions