How to submit your announcement
1. Make sure you're eligible. All content we show, including CBB messages, must be non-commercial. Check the column to the right to see if you qualify.
2. Submit it early! There's a rolling deadline for submissions. Make sure we receive your message at least a week, preferably two, before you want it to be cablecast.
3. Make sure it fits our format. You have only fifteen seconds to get your message across, so keep it short. Trim your message down to the basics.
- What is the event?
- When will it happen? (date and time)
- Where will it happen?
- Who is making it happen? (sponsoring organization)
- Include a phone number, email address or URL for more information.
- Indicate if a fee is required/requested.
If you send us a flier or press release we'll select what we think the most important information is and put that onto the slide.
If your organization has a logo, or if you have an image to publicize the event, please include it in your submission. If you give us a digital copy we're more likely to use it in your slide.
We love it when people design their own slides. If you do so please make sure your slide conforms to the following specification.
- Format: jpg, jpeg
- Dimensions: 800x600px
- Resolution: 72dpi
- Don't put any important information too close to the edges of the slide (50 pixel borders).
We can't accept a calendar of events, nor can we accept one submission containing several dates. Make sure you make one submission for each date you would like to publicize.
4. Send it in! You can submit an announcement online by email to: agsilva at davismedia dot org
Please include 'CBB' and your organization in the subject line.
You mail or deliver messages to:
Davis Media Access Community Bulletin Board 1623 Fifth Street, Suite A Davis, CA 95616
Fax: 757-2938
We regret we can't accept announcements over the phone.
Who can use the Community Bulletin Board?
Any individual or group may submit messages which promote or publicize an event that is open to the public, in accordance with the policies that follow:
Non-Profit groups:
- may promote events that are open to the public and are free.
- may promote events that are open to the public and for which a fee is charged, provided fees collected benefit the non-profit. DCTV cannot post the fee amount, except to say that a fee is required. A phone number will be posted for fee information. Fund raising events for 501 (c)(3) organizations qualify.
For-Profit groups or individuals:
- may promote events that are open to the public and are free.
- may not submit messages which promote an event that requires or requests entrance fees, or promotes the purchase of products or services. Fund raising for commercial, for-profit groups is prohibited on public access channels.
Candidates for political office:
- may promote events that are open to the public and are free, i.e., campaign appearances & events
- may promote events that are open to the public and for which a fee is charged, including campaign fund raisers. DCTV cannot post the fee amount, except to say that a fee is required, but will post a phone number for further information.
- Art Showings, Exhibits, and Receptions, offered by anyone
- Classes, Workshops, and Lectures, offered by anyone
- Classes, Workshops, and Lectures, offered by a non-profit organization
- Dance or Drama Performances, offered by anyone
- Dance or Drama Performance, offered by a non-profit organization
- Field Trips, Tours, and Excursions, offered by anyone
- Field Trips, Tours, and Excursions, offered by a non-profit organization