The Drowning Accident Rescue Team (D.A.R.T.) All American Barbeque and Silent Auction (with dancing and no host bar) will take place at the Aerospace Museum August 15th. The event begins at 6pm and ends 11pm and is open to the public at a cost of $40 per person. Tickets must be purchased from a DART member prior to the event or visit their website
D.A.R.T.’S primary mission is to save lives and recover property from the thousands of miles of waterways within Sacramento County and other surrounding areas. D.A.R.T. relies on individuals and companies to help fund the necessary costs for these operations, most of which come from repairs and maintenance of equipment which includes: two rescue vehicles, one inflatable boat, dry suits, masks, buoyancy compensators, communication gear and more. One hundred percent of the donations received go into a fund to be applied towards expenses and none of the D.A.R.T members are paid for their services.
If you have any questions or want to find out more about D.A.R.T., please call 916-806-0118 or visit[img_assist|nid=168|title=DART members|desc=|link=url|url=|align=center|width=640|height=350]