DMA During COVID-19

Since closing the facility on March 13, we’ve navigated a broad range of operational/technical/programmatic and administrative challenges during quarantine. We’ve helped some of our radio and TV volunteers as they’ve navigated producing from home--and commiserated with those who couldn’t.  And we’ve adapted on other levels, working to fill budget gaps that are a byproduct of this time, while striving to respond to community requests for help with events that are now virtual. In short, though the building has been closed, the organization has not!

Through it all, we’ve kept abreast of the ever-changing laws and public health orders. In particular, we are following the guidelines for reopening developed by the John Hopkins Center for Public Health and Yolo County Public Health. Our policy and timeline has been developed by staff, and was vetted and approved by the DMA board at its June meeting.

In order to prepare for reopening, staff researched and assessed our risk levels; drafted a new Code of Conduct; ordered masks, mic covers and gloves; developed a cleaning protocol and schedule; created physical distancing visual guides in the facility; rearranged the KDRT schedule so that there is time to clean in between air shifts; and met with select KDRT programmers.


DMA is committed to preventing the spread of COVID-19 by:

  • Limiting access to the DMA facility
  • Maintaining distancing protocol (including physical distancing and masks)
  • Creating a cleaning schedule
  • Stocking masks, gloves, and mic covers
  • Creating protocol for compliance, information gathering, and tracing

Here is our best sense of what reopening will look like beginning by the end of June and moving forward.  Please note this is subject to change due to public health orders.

  • DMA offices open by appointment only
  • Everyone must wear masks/observe distancing while in the facility, including while on air
  • KDRT and DCTV programmers producing from home are requested to continue remote production to maintain distancing protocol
  • Bring back KDRT programmers who: already have after-hours access and have been trained in closing procedures for the facility, AND who have not been able to produce their shows during quarantine. This group will help us define best practices and highlight concerns before we move on to subsequent stages
  • This phase will not permit shows with co-hosts to resume onsite, as there is not enough space for adequate physical distancing
  • This phase of reopening will not include use of the TV studio and control room, edit suites or checkout of video equipment, because we do not believe we can safely resume these activities at this time

At this point in time, we do not know when we can resume other activities safely. DMA’s staff will do our best to continue to provide technical support and training for volunteers who are ready to produce from home (have equipment and enough technical faculty to understand the process).

Thank you for being a part of our community and for your patience as we navigate this challenging time.



Autumn Labbe-Renault, Executive Director

Jeff Shaw, KDRT General Manager

Craig Blomberg, Chair, DMA Board