DMA Recruiting for Board Members

DMA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, membership-based media center offering community members the tools and training to develop and distribute their own media. DMA helps document important moments and traditions in community life, preserving them for the future. We partner with and provide support for a wide range of non-profits, public sector entities and community-based groups. DMA was incorporated as Davis Community Television in 1988. In 2007, we changed our name to Davis Media Access to better reflect the growing range of media options we make available.

DMA’s core services include access to television production equipment, training and channel time on local public access channel 15 on the Comcast cable system. DMA also holds the license and provides organizational support for KDRT-LP, a low-power radio station located at 95.7 FM in Davis. Through our partnership with the City and the Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD), DMA manages educational access services and staff for cable Channel 17. As the media landscape is changing, we also support a growing range of media distribution options. Our services and facilities are available to all members of the Davis community on a non-discriminatory, first-come, first-served basis.

About Our Board
DMA’s nine-member board is appointed to govern the organization, and to provide guidance and strategic advice. Members are appointed for two-year terms, with each member eligible to serve a maximum of two (2) terms. One board member serves as a liaison to the KDRT Steering Committee; another serves as a representative of the Davis Joint Unified School District. Other members come from the community at large and are recruited to represent various facets of community life, or because they possess specific skill sets or knowledge. DMA’s Executive Director serves as an ex officio, non-voting member of the Board.

The Board’s standing committees include Executive, Finance, and the KDRT Steering Committee. Other committees are formed as needed, and as of Jan. 2009 include Fund Development and Programming. With the exception of Executive and Finance, DMA’s committees are open to public participation.

DMA’s board typically meets monthly, with committee meetings scheduled separately. Board meetings are generally held at DMA and last two hours. In addition, board members are required to attend annual retreats and other strategic planning meetings as required.

January 2009

Responsibilities & Commitments
Responsibilities of DMA Board Members fall into two categories:

1. The Board is responsible for the long-term viability of the organization. It provides continuity for DMA by advancing DMA’s mission through the development of services, and advocacy for them.

2. The Board has fiduciary responsibility for DMA, including oversight of accounts and contracts, and regular review of DMA’s financial standing. The Board acts to protect and preserve DMA’s status as a 501-c3 entity.

3. The Board selects, appoints and oversees an Executive Director (E.D.) to whom responsibility for the administration of the organization is delegated. In addition, the Board is charged with regular evaluation of the E.D. on the basis of her/his job description, leadership in the organization, in program planning and implementation, and in management of the organization and its personnel. It is DMA’s practice that the relationship between the Board and the Executive Director be professional, respectful of the ED’s strengths, collegial, and advisory in nature. It is also within the Board’s purview to offer administrative guidance and determine whether to retain or dismiss the E.D.

4. The Board governs the organization through broad policies and objectives, formulated and agreed upon by the Executive Director and DMA staff. Such governance includes the assignment of priorities that ensure the organization’s capacity to carry out programs, and continual review of its work. The Board is expected to assess its own performance as part of an annual retreat process.

5. The Board is charged with acquiring resources sufficient for DMA’s operations, and to finance its programs and services adequately. Implicit in this is the responsibility for assisting with DMA’s related contract negotiations.

6. The Board is accountable to the public for the services of the organization. The Board accepts responsibility for all conditions and policies attached to DMA’s programs and services, and for its oversight of key personnel.

7. The Board is charged with ensuring that DMA’s policies and services meet or exceed legal requirements. In addition, the Board serves as an arbiter as needed in any internal disputes.

• Believe in DMA’s mission and champion its services and programs
• Attend meetings regularly
• Respond promptly and regularly to board-related communications
• Be a member in good standing
• Participate on at least one subcommittee
• Represent DMA at community functions, and promote DMA’s mission and services
• Participate in and support fund raising efforts.
• Participate in annual retreats and other strategic planning meetings
• Meet these commitments for a full two-year term

Application for Appointment to the Board of Directors

Personal Information
Name_________________________________________ Phone: home_______________cell:_____________________
Address _______________________________________ Email______________________________________________

Company Name___________________________________________________________________________________
Position Held________________________________________How long?_____________________________________
Other significant work/life experience: _________________________________________________________________

Length of Davis residency:___________________________ Are you a Comcast cable subscriber?___________________

Memberships & Affiliations (include any officer positions or committee assignments): ____________________________

Areas of expertise and interest (please check all that apply):
____Legal ____Finance/Accounting ____Public Relations/Marketing
____Human Resources ____Management/Administration ____Sports/Recreation
____Education/Training ____Arts/Cultural ____Music/Radio
____Special Events planning ____Grant writing ____Fund Development
____TV/Production ____Web development/coding ____Volunteer coordination
____Religious/Spiritual ____Cultural/ethnic communities ____Academia
____Youth ____Seniors ____Environmental
____Peace & Justice ____Other (please specify)

A membership application is enclosed. Please submit it, along with this completed application, to:

Davis Media Access Nominating Committee
1623 Fifth Street, Suite A
Davis, CA 95616
Thank you for your time and interest!