DMA is delighted to welcome two new members to its board of directors, the volunteer body that provides governance for our non-profit.
In December, we seated Craig Blomberg for a two-year term. Craig is a longtime volunteer with KDRT, and has chaired the all-volunteer KDRT Management Team for the past several years. He spends hours each week updating the logs for the radio station, and selflessly devotes his time to making KDRT a great community resource. A registered nurse, Craig supervises case management at Sutter Davis Hospital. He lives in Davis with his wife, Darien.
In February, we seated Laura Grindstaff for a two-year term. Laura is a professor of Sociology at UC Davis and a faculty affiliate in Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, and Performance Studies. Her research and teaching focus on American media and popular culture and their role in reproducing gender, race, and class inequality. She publishes and lectures on a wide variety of topics ranging from cheerleading to reality television. From 2008-2015, she served as the faculty director of the Davis Feminist Film Festival, a grassroots festival of short films from around the world linking art to social justice issues. Prior to pursuing a career in academia, Grindstaff trained as a journalist at the University of Western Ontario (Canada) in her hometown of London, Ontario.