DMA's Work Rooted in Free Expression
My early career included stints as a newspaper reporter and editor. I loved going to cover lectures, protests, and other events that opened my eyes to new information. It was my job to ask hard questions and look for more than one viewpoint or source. Newsrooms were very different places back then, and news outlets were owned by many hundreds of corporations. Since I’ve been working in non-commercial community media—20 years this month—commercial media in this country has endured consolidation and a loosening of restrictions on media cross-ownership, to the point where 90 percent of major media are owned by just six corporations. I’ve written reams about these issues, and about the dangers of watering down and homogenizing the Fourth Estate. In lieu of actual news, we’ve become a nation of news-feed junkies reinforcing our own stereotypes via the echo chamber that is social media.