A Note From the Director
Though fall’s cooler temps have yet to manifest, the busyness that characterizes the season is in full force. Here at DMA, we mark the start of KDRT’s 10th anniversary year, which officially began on Sept. 24. It was on that date in 2004 that then-Davis Mayor Ruth Asmundson “flipped the switch” and KDRT was off and running. This small station has manifested tremendous amounts of community involvement and goodwill over the years. Still run primarily by volunteers and on a shoestring budget, this grassroots station has nonetheless made a large impact, both locally and on the national low-power FM scene.
My hat is off to KDRT’s Steering Committee, its programmers, the DMA board, DMA”s staff, for whom KDRT is largely an after-hours labor of love, and the community—musicians, guests, listeners and supporters—for having grown a truly remarkable resource. Here’s to many more, and please read on in the newsletter for some exciting KDRT updates. We look forward to celebrating Year 10 all year long!