General Orientation: Curious about KDRT, DCTV or DJUSD Channel 17, and want to learn about the amazing umbrella organization of these community media outlets? Plan to attend the next Davis Media Access General Orientation on February 13 at 6:30pm. Sign up online here.
Introduction to Final Cut Pro X – Feb. 20, 6:30-9 p.m. This demonstration workshop is intended to familiarize you with Final Cut Pro X (FCPX), as well show you options for interfacing with the FCPX edit suites here at DMA. Because there is a free time limited trial of FCPX available from Apple, participants are encouraged to bring their Mac laptops to follow along with FCPX pre-loaded. If you have a portable Hard Disk Drive, bring that as well to practice media management. You can apply much of this knowledge to iMovie as well, and some differences will be pointed out for those who do not have FinalCut Pro X. Only the very basics of editing and using the software are covered. Based on interest levels, DMA will have additional workshops on editing and using FCPX. The workshop is scheduled for 2.5 hours, and in keeping to the agenda, ample time for questions will be provided at the end. Introductory price of $10, taught by Jeff Shaw. Register here.
Social Media for Parents – March 13, 6:30-8 p.m.: Snapchat, Tumblr, is external), Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook. We’ll take a look at each of these social media apps, focusing on those most commonly used by tweens and teens. Characteristics of each, guidelines and privacy issues, and what you need to know. Taught by Autumn Labbe-Renault. $10 Register here.
Kids' camps: This year looks to be one of our most fun yet! If you are interested in enrolling in one of our four kids camps for Spring or Summer 2014, don't delay too long! Some of our Summer camps fill up by March, and we know some parents and kids try to coordinate with friends to be in the same camp.
We can only offer so many spots, so start planning soon! This year we will be offering a special Spring Break Mini-Camp of three days instead of five. Our animation camps are still in the planning stages, but will likely start July 7 and July 14. We'll post those as soon as possible, but save the dates if you are interested.
Kids’ camps & workshops now open for registration
Kids Video Production Spring Break Mini-Camp March 25, 26, 27: 1-4pm
Kids Video Production Summer Camp One June 16-20: 1-4pm
Kids Video Production Summer Camp Two June 23-27: 1-4pm
Kids Video Animation TBA- Save the dates July 7- 11 and July 14 - 18 if you are interested.
If you have any questions, feel free to call 530-757-2419!