Tyler Shaffo hosts Lynn Kimsey, Ph.D., Director, and Steven Heydon, Collection Manager, both of the Bohart Museum of Entomology(link is external). The museum has the seventh largest collection of insects in North America with over seven million specimens. This episode of In the Studio presents quite a few insects. Some still alive and crawling.
In late May The City of Davis hosted two workshops for the local community to discuss planning and share ideas for the Davis Nishi Gateway. Each workshop provided an overview of the planning effort, schedule and goals. The May 28th workshop was recorded by Davis Media Access and the focus was on mobility, open space and community character opportunities for the Davis Nishi Gateway. You may view the video online here(link is external).
Lin Weaver hosts Christopher Cappa, Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering, UC Davis. The episode focuses on climate change.
As well, Lin Weaver hosts Jeff Reisig, Yolo County District Attorney, Jesse Ortiz and Carlos Matos, Co-Chairs of the Multi-Cultural Community Council. Topics discussed include: the Multi-Cultural Community Council Initiative; the Diversity Justice and Equity Luncheon, Sep 18th, 12pm-1:30pm, Yolo County Atrium; and the Human Trafficking Forum, Oct 15, 7-8:30 pm, Davis OddFellows. Watch it here.