Community Events & Notices

County broadband survey : Equitable and affordable broadband access is a community media policy issue. Broadband adoption is slow in many areas of Yolo County and the county is taking action, embarking on a collaborative broadband planning study coordinated by Yolo LAFCo. The study aims to help determine Yolo County can best ensure that our businesses, residents, and community anchor institutions have access to affordable, high-quality and high-speed broadband services that will meet their long-term needs.

DMA is pleased to partner with the County and LAFCo to help get the word out about the survey. There’s one survey for residences, one for businesses, and the links are here: is external)

Interfaith Climate Crisis Conference:  Putting Faith into Action: Sunday, March 30, 2014 from 1:30-5:30 p.m. at the Davis United Methodist Church (1620 Anderson Road, Davis, CA).  Clergy, Leadership, worshippers and interested others are all welcome! Adrienne Alvord, the CA and Western States Director for Union of Concerned Scientists, will speak on Science and Faith: Working Together to Inspire Action on Climate Change.

Visit is external) for more details or email questions to sends e-mail)

Davis Parent University: DMA provides major support for the Davis Parent University. On March 21, DPU presents John O’Sullivan, who will speak about “The Psychology of High-Performance.” He is author of the bestselling book "Changing the Game: The Parents’ Guide to Raising Happy, High-Performing Athletes and Giving Youth Sports Back to Our Kids.” You can get more information about this event and find DMA’s archive of past programs at

OLLI courses: All sorts of interesting classes are offered via the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). Spring and summer classes. Many OLLI classes air on DCTV; check schedule for details. is external)