autumn's blog
Election coverage
New on DCTV Channel 15
Election coverage
Workshops & kids' camps - new!
General Orientation: Curious about KDRT, DCTV or DJUSD Channel 17, and want to learn about the amazing umbrella organization of these community media outlets? Plan to attend the next Davis Media Access General Orientation on February 13 at 6:30pm. Sign up online here.
Community Events & Notices
A note from the director
County broadband survey
From the director
Internships & kids' camps
Video Production internships: Davis Media Access (DMA) has a few openings for a three-month television production internship.
DMA board updates
DJUSD Educational Access Channel 17
Note: The DJUSD does not have a policy that allows us to make local school-related productions available online. You may request additional airings on Channel 17 on the Comcast system by emailing, or purchases copies of the programs here.
New on DCTV Channel 15
DJUSD Educational Access Channel 17
Note: The DJUSD does not have a policy that allows us to make local school-related productions available online. You may request additional airings on Channel 17 on the Comcast system by emailing, or purchases copies of the programs here.