autumn's blog

Amy Goodman event a success!

[img_assist|nid=203|title=goodman|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=132|height=200] On Nov. 20, noted journalist Amy Goodman shared with a capacity crowd at UC Davis her unique perspective gleaned from 13 years hosting “Democracy Now!”, as well as selections from her new book Breaking the Sound Barrier (Haymarket Books, 2009). I’ve long admired her work, so it was a thrill to meet her and to hear her resounding support for our community’s independent media outlets. I also enjoyed meeting Denis Moyihan, who's worked with Amy for years on the show and column, and edited this most recent book. Goodman appeared the same night as students were occupying Dutton Hall on campus. She called...

Flu Season, Sofa Film School & More

This column was originally published in The Davis Enterprise on Sept. 24,2009

It’s flu season, and as the first seasonal flu works it way through my household, I’m all too aware of what that means. Davis Media Access (DMA) just finished shooting a three-minute PSA with the Yolo County Health Department. The PSA was created to raise awareness of both the seasonal flu and novel H1N1 virus, and outlines steps for prevention and care.

20/20: Meeting a challenge pledge by June 30

Davis Media Access (DMA) is nearing completion of the 20/20 Campaign, our fundraiser launched in Oct. 2008 that celebrates 20 years of community media in Davis. With a goal of raising $20k before June 30, we are asking community members for a donation of $20 or more in recognition of DMA's 20 years of service. 20/20 donations help provide support for youth media services, KDRT-LP 95.7 FM, Open Media Sessions and much more.

At the end of May, DMA received a pledge of $5k, bringing our total raised to $16,790. We will secure that pledge if we raise matching funds before June 30. As of June 5, we've received $3k in matching challenge funds!

Sunny Shine provided the pledge specifically in recognition of DMA’s work with youth, from high school internships and volunteer opportunities, to Kid Vid camps, to youth radio and documentary making. We thank Sunny for her generous support, as well as everyone who has contributed to DMA. We are gratified by such strong and diverse community support. This is the first time we've run a fund raising campaign that was not specifically for KDRT, though KDRT listeners from Utah, Oregon, Florida and New Jersey have sent donations!

DMA’s partnerships with the City of Davis and DJUSD enable us to run a media center, ensuring community members’ access to equipment and training. Through these, DMA manages public access channel 15 and educational access channel 17 on the Comcast system, as well as their related websites. We round out offerings with trainings in digital media, topical workshops, participation in open source projects, grassroots low-power FM radio, local productions, event coverage, and advocacy and information for broader media issues.

Our list of supporters is growing daily. Won't you please join us? Thanks very much for your support & interest!