autumn's blog

KDRT programming expands

Davis citizens are a mobile bunch, and this means we sometimes have to say good-bye. We offer a fond farewell to DJ AA and Vincent with “Empire Radio,” who have moved on to the Bay Area. Ted and Josh of “The Recollection” are on hiatus at present but rumor has it they plan to return in January. Congratulations to Ted, who welcomed his first son this summer.

Davis Vanguard, DMA to host election forum

As the non-profit community media center serving Davis and Yolo County, Davis Media Access (DMA) has produced local election coverage since the mid 1980s, and considers voter education and community coverage core to our mission of creating community through media. This election season, The Davis Vanguard & Davis Media Access (DMA) will co-host a school board candidate forum, to be held in the Harper Junior High Multipurpose room on Monday, Oct. 1, 2012. 

Profile: DMA Intern Rising from Land Down Under

When Patrick Shearer and his wife Danielle moved to Davis earlier this year, he found himself with time on his hands and a need to explore his new town. Native to Australia, Shearer had established himself as a veterinarian in his homeland. He’d built up an impressive resume, working for private practices Down Under and completing an internship here in the States.

Speak Out for Tolerance

Information about a video project happening at DMA this Thursday, July 12: 

In mid-June, the community was rattled by a noose left hanging on the Davis High School football field.  In response to hate acts like this and others that have occurred in the Davis community in the past, the city’s Human Relations Commission is working in partnership with Davis Media Access, the community media center serving Davis and surrounding areas, to create a video collage focused on tolerance.  The piece, entitled “Speak Out for Tolerance,” will reflect on experiences and viewpoints held by Davis community members.

The Commission is inviting interested community members to participate in initial filming on Thursday, July 12, at Davis Media Access (1623 5th Street between Redwood Barn Nursery and the City’s Corp Yard).  Filming will take place between 7pm and 9pm, and will

News from DMA - June 27, 2012

News from Davis Media Access


  • Valuing an idea, lest it disappear
  • From the Mailbag
  • Cool Davis 2012 - Workshop on Community Choice Energy
  • Shout outs & love
  • Car/boat donations benefit KDRT

Valuing an idea, lest it disappear

"KDRT doesn't happen without community support. It can't. It's that simple."

 I'm mentoring a public relations intern this summer. Dan Dedoshka is a University of Oregon student who has committed his time to learning whatever I can teach him about writing press releases, branding, social media engagement, and more. While thumbing through one of his textbooks on PR yesterday, I commented that most of what he's being taught in school is likely geared at promoting products, versus ideas, and that sometimes in the non-profit world, what we're "selling" is just that--an idea, a philosophy, a credo, if you will.

KDRT/DMA Live at Farmers' Market June 27

KDRT and Davis Media Access are in the final week of our annual fund raising, and donations are very slow this year. We're taking it live to the Farmers' Market this Wednesday and hoping the community will show us some love!

In partnership with the Davis Farmers' Market and its Wednesday-night Picnic in the Park, KDRT 95.7 FM will broadcast live at the market from 4-8 p.m. this Wednesday, June 27. The broadcast booth will be located at the top of the concrete steps adjoining the picnic area.

News from DMA


  • A note from the Executive Director
  • More on phones - consumer rights: what are the issues?
  • Yolo 2-1-1
  • Registration open for summer kids' camps
  • Shout-outs & love
  • Opportunities
  • Program notes
  • Community events & fundraisers
  • Thank you to our underwriters
  • DMA needs your support

“In the Studio” serves up new episodes

Featured this month on “In the Studio” are Peregrine School; Garden Vision 2012; Egyptian Uprising update; and Food Scrap Composting. 

“In the Studio” is produced at Davis Media Access (DMA), the non-profit community media center serving Yolo County. The program provides local newsmakers and community organizations with easy ways to promote their activities and events. DMA produces four

News from Davis Media Access - February 2012


News from Davis Media Access - February 2012

DMA is the community media center for Davis and surrounding areas. DMA operates DCTV public access channel 15 and Educational Access Channel 17 (in partnership with the Davis Joint Unified School District), and low-power community radio station KDRT 95.7 FM. or (530) 757-2419 for more info. DMA is located at 1623 Fifth Street in Davis.

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  • A note from the Executive Director
  • DMA highlights both sides of Measure C
  • Registration open for summer kids' camps
  • Next Orientation Feb. 21
  • DMA to participate in Americorps program
  • In the Studio resumes regular production
  • Program notes: DCTV, DJUSD and KDRT
  • Thank you to our newest underwriters
  • Car Donations Benefit KDRT
  • Donate to Davis Media Access

A note from the Executive Director

My mantra as I talk to folks about Davis Media Access is "DMA builds community." The more we know about each other, the better informed and more compassionate we'll be. It's the touchstone I return to, and it's what keeps me doing this work. This newsletter brings you information about local election coverage; digital literacy opportunities for kids; capacity-building grants for our community; and a host of programs designed to educate, entertain and connect us. Thank you for reading, and for your participation and support. Please help spread the word about the good news that's DMA!

I would also like to announce that Ron Clement has been seated as the new Chair of the DMA Board of Directors. Ron has served on the board for two years and brings with him a wealth of experience in non-profit and foundation management. We thank him very much for taking up this mantle.
                                                                              --Autumn Labbe-Renault

DMA highlights both sides of Measure C debate

Davis Media Access (DMA) invited the Yes on Measure C and the No on Measure C campaigns into the studio in January to record brief campaign statements. The resulting short programs are airing on DCTV Channel 15 on the Comcast system, on Menu 99 on AT&T’s U-verse system, on KDRT 95.7 FM and online at through March 5th.  DMA does not take a position on any election and offers its services free of charge to local candidates and campaigns in a fair and balanced manner.

Annual Report & Warm Wishes from Davis Media Access


  • Annual Report Now Online
  • Taking on Hunger at UC Davis
  • Warm Fuzzies for Even the Biggest Grinch
  • New Board Member Kate Snow
  • Donate to Davis Media Access
  • You Make a Difference!

Ah, December--one of those months in Davis where our community life overflows and everyone is intensely busy. That's certainly been the case at Davis Media Access. December has seen us finalize the new TV studio and begin to resume training and schedule productions; record winter performances in the schools, as well as a variety of community events; ramp up for grant-related outreach; and apply for new grants.

It was lovely to see some of you at our holiday mixer on Dec. 1, and if we missed you then, we promise many more opportunities for participation in 2012. Please note that DMA is closed from Friday Dec. 23 through Monday, Jan. 2, 2012.

In the meantime, and in the midst of holiday chaos, I always try to create a quiet, still space where ideas can germinate, and dreams, incubate. I'm looking forward to resting and recharging for the work that lies ahead in January, and on behalf of all of us here, send warm wishes and gratitude to all of you, DMA's friends and supporters.                                                                              -

    -Autumn Labbe-Renault, Executive Director