DMA will participate in the Big Day of Giving (BigDOG) on 5/5/15, a regional effort aimed at stimulating charitable giving to our region’s non-profits. By giving a tax-deductible donation of $25 or more online that day, you can help DMA win prizes and incentives.
From 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on 5/5/15, log on to, type in Davis Media Access & donate safely. Your BigDOG donation helps support our radio station, KDRT 95.7 FM and its efforts to inspire, enrich, and entertain listeners through an eclectic mix of music, cultural, educational, and public affairs programs and services.
You are also invited to attend our special BigDOG Event 5/5/15. KDRT will be LIVE on the air with KDRT DJs Sara, Danny, & Pieter at The Wardrobe (located at 206 E Street in Downtown Davis) from 5-7 PM on the Big Day of Giving. Join us on-site to make your donation (we’ll have tablets available) and for these INCENTIVES:
*A drawing for local businesses for 1 month FREE underwriting on KDRT
*A drawing for community members for a $50 gift card to The Wardrobe
*DJ music
*Light refreshments
*Record a station ID
If you’re not in town 5/5 or can’t log onto BigDOG, there will be time to donate. But channeling your support through BigDOG simply helps those dollars go further!