Towards Fair & Equitable Housing

"In the Studio," Autumn Labbe-Renault hosts Ellen Kolarik and Vera Sandronsky, co-chairs of Interfaith Housing Justice Davis. Discussion centers on the group’s origins, its work to date, and hopes for the future.

The interview previews a forthcoming event on Nov. 17, when Interfaith Housing Justice Davis and the Davis Area League of Women Voters host an evening with Lea Rothstein highlighting her forthcoming book, "Just Action." The book describes what we can do now, in our own communities, to undo racial segregation and begin to repair the harms it has caused, as well as strategies for building inclusive housing.

Watch the interview here and see the flyer linked here for registration info. Davis Media Access supports this effort by staffing and recording the Zoom presentation at this hybrid event. 

For more info: Recorded: 10/25/2022 #fairhousing #interfaith #communityaction #communityevents #davisca #redlining #racialsegregation #inclusivehousing #davisca #yolocounty