News from DMA - June 27, 2012
News from Davis Media Access
- Valuing an idea, lest it disappear
- From the Mailbag
- Cool Davis 2012 - Workshop on Community Choice Energy
- Shout outs & love
- Car/boat donations benefit KDRT
Valuing an idea, lest it disappear
"KDRT doesn't happen without community support. It can't. It's that simple."
I'm mentoring a public relations intern this summer. Dan Dedoshka is a University of Oregon student who has committed his time to learning whatever I can teach him about writing press releases, branding, social media engagement, and more. While thumbing through one of his textbooks on PR yesterday, I commented that most of what he's being taught in school is likely geared at promoting products, versus ideas, and that sometimes in the non-profit world, what we're "selling" is just that--an idea, a philosophy, a credo, if you will.