autumn's blog

We Did It! Gratitude to Our Supporters

Thanks to YOU, our community of supporters, Davis Media Access (DMA) met its annual fundraising goal of $25,000 by June 30. This money provides most of the operational funds to keep KDRT 95.7 FM on the air, and also supports staff time for some of our key projects, including youth media projects and local election coverage. With a lot of non-profits doing great work locally, strong donor support is validation for all the work we do in the community, and we thank each and every one of you! See our complete donor list.

Looking for a Few Good Interns

Davis Media Access is expanding its internships opportunities for the Fall quarter.  DMA's interships offer opportunities in all areas of Radio and Television production, from behind the camera to in front of the microphone.

KDRT, our low-power community radio station, is looking for some interns eager to gain experience in the following areas: Publicity and Social Media; Music Acquisitions and Curation; and Audio Production. Find out more.

For video production internships this fall. Interns get trained and develop hands-on experience in location-based video shoots.  We are also looking for interns to help with our video archive of over 10,000 locally produced programs.

From the Mailbag

Lynne Nittler, Interfaith Climate Conference Chair, writes ...

I've had time to listen to all the edited videos from March 6 & 7 and post the links in a blog on our website.  The ones of Kathleen Dean Moore and the panel are terrific.  I see why it really is so worthwhile to have professionals doing a video.  Thank you so much.  I'm hoping that many more individuals will get to hear the speakers now.  It's so heartening when non-profits reach out to help one another as they can, and in this case the tapes will allow us to extend the reach of the conference into our faith communities and beyond.  Many individuals were touched by the keynote addresses and the panel, and you have provided us with the means to carry that dialogue out into the community. Thank you for your fine work!

KDRT Proud to Sponsor Davis Music Fest

KDRT is happy to lend its support Davis Music Fest's fifth year.  We'll provide underwriting announcements and help wrangle volunteers for the event.  Davis Music Fest (DMF) is coordinated by Davis non-profit Music Only Makes Sense (MOMS), which is a tremendous partner to KDRT year round  Working with MOMS is one of the many ways KDRT and DMA help support the local arts and culture community.  

This year's fest is happening the weekend of the Summer Soltice, June 19th-21st, and features over 50 bands on 12 stages.  The event benefits the Davis School Arts Foundation and the DHS Blue & White Foundation.

For more information visit the DMF website.

DMA Needs Your Support

We are currently down to the final week of our annual fund-raising campaign. We've raised $22,000 and have $3k to go to meet our funding goal. If you haven't yet donated now is the time.  We must raise this money each year to keep our all-volunteer radio station KDRT on the air, and to help support other projects such as training for youth media producers, and additional staff time for local election coverage.

We do big, community-improving work and depend on every dollar you donate.  A well-managed non-profit with many hundreds of active participants and supporters, DMA is responsive to its community, not to corporate profits. And in an age when a mere handful of corporations holds the majority of control over corporate media, carving out space for the people’s airwaves is more important than ever.

I know you appreciate that work, and I'm asking you to step up and make a contribution this week. Donations of any size are helpful, and will be acknowledged for tax purposes, and on our donor list (unless you say otherwise). At this late date, the best way is to donate online at You can also mail a check made out to Davis Media Access, 1623 Fifth Street, Ste A, Davis, CA 95616.

You'll be joining a fabulous list of committed supporters, whom we thank for their generous support.

Thank you so much for helping to continue DMA's important work in the community!

Kid Vid Production & Animation Camps

Registration closes soon for DMA's popular summer camps for kids aged 10-13, and there are still a few slots open. In the production camps, participants learn how to produce a program in DMA's television studio, including storyboarding, operating cameras and sound equipment, and media literacy training.  New this summer, campers will be able to take advantage of DMA's brand-new HD Field Cameras. They will also get an introduction to the radio booth at KDRT 95.7 FM, DMA's low-power community radio station.

"Artist's Connection" Episode 4 Now Airing

This episode’s discussion focuses on preparing for the recording studio and features insights and performances by Helen Spangler (Spangler), Chris Hunt (Tha Dirt Feelin), and Joel Daniel (The Hoots). “Artist's Connection” is a monthly television series hosted by journalist and singer-songwriter, Kevin Fagan. The program features topic-driven interviews of artists with questions that go beyond persona and performance, revealing the reasons behind the choices that artists make. "Artist's Connection" is produced by Sam Hawk and Pieter Pastoor at Davis Media Access.  

Orientation offered at Davis Media Access

Davis Media Access (DMA) offers a free orientation to its programs and services each month. This next general orientation will take place Wed., May 27 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the media center, 1623 Fifth Street in Davis. DMA Production Manager Jeff Shaw will teach the orientation. Topics covered will include: 

 an overview of DMA’s services; information about internships, and training and volunteer opportunities available through DMA.

“In the Studio” Serves Up New Episodes

"The Culture Co-op" - Diversity, racial oppression, minority cultures, and equity - could any work touch on more spheres at present? Find out what's happening here in Davis via the work of Sandy Holman and the Culture C.O.-O.P. Joselyn Lua hosts. 

"Sexual Assault Awareness" - Lin Weaver hosts Dawn Yackzan, Executive Director, Sexual Assault Awareness Campaign; Michael Leahy, Education and Publicity, SAAC; and Natalli Melgoza, Emerson Junior High School Peer Helper. 

"Vault" highlights “Zen & The Art of Bicycle Commuting”

The latest episode of “Davis Media Access: From the Vault” gives a nod to "May is Bike Month" and features information about bicycling between Davis and Sacramento. The short film was produced by Davis resident Ken Celli and a group of students comprising an Action Research Team at the Education for Sustainable Living Program at UC Davis in 2008.

DMA’s archive of more than 10,000 locally produced videos represents a unique piece of our community history. Recognizing that, and wanting to find an intentional way to continue digitizing these assets, DMA launched “From the Vault" in Oct. 2014 to highlight select programs from this archive.

Thank You

For their help, support and generosity with KDRT's 10th Birthday Dance Party April 25, we thank the Davis Odd Fellows, and in particular their Music Committee, for making the event possible, working it, and making a generous financial contribution. Special thanks to The Smoke Shovelers, Gravy Nation, Boco do Rio for providing the evening's incredible music, and to the Davis Food Co-op, Dos Coyotes, Berryessa Brewing, Davis Music Festival, Mr. Hat Presents, and Dawn Student for additional support. Extra-special thanks to Gabe Lewin of Clarity Sound, who has been most generous in his support of KDRT events through the years.

A Note From the Director

For many years, I have lived and breathed my purpose here: what services we offer, how they work to serve the community, and how to tweak and refine them when necessary. It’s been my personal mission to anchor Davis Media Access deeply in this community, providing services that meet a wide variety of needs. With an incredible team comprising board, staff, volunteers, partners, and community supporters, I know we’ve been successful.